
Stone Cross Pre-School Eastbourne - AdmissionsWe enrol children between the ages of two and five years old. We do feel it is more beneficial for children to attend the Pre-School for a minimum of two sessions per week.

Our Administrator co-ordinates the waiting list for places if necessary and will do their utmost to accommodate your preferred session choices. However, sessions requested cannot be guaranteed, it is all very dependent on numbers. If your child is added to the waiting list for a place at Pre-School the Administrator will contact you as soon as place becomes available. Once offered a place, the Administrator will arrange registration of your child at the Pre-School and invite you and your child to visit prior to starting to view our facilities, meet the staff and answer any questions that you may have.

Please see Downloads section to find our application forms.

The Administrator may contacted by:

Telephone 07864 295888 or email us via the Contact Us page.
Ofsted Register Pre-School
Special Educational Needs or Disabilities